Monthly Archives: April 2019

Eye Rolls: When Your Story Doesn’t Get a Kind Reaction


By Jennifer Lea Reynolds Eye Rolls: When Your Story Doesn't Get a Kind Reaction When you share an important event that occurred in your life with friends or family, the expectation is that it will be met with some degree of engagement and appropriate reactions. But an eye roll? What does it mean when your [...]

Eye Rolls: When Your Story Doesn’t Get a Kind Reaction2019-06-13T16:58:49+00:00

6 New Ways to Cope with Rejection


By Colleen Stinchcombe 6 New Ways to Cope with Rejection Anybody with a pulse knows just how rough it is to get rejected. One study has found that the sting of rejection is often as bad as physical pain. Whether it was a date, a job, a friend, or an opportunity that is no longer [...]

6 New Ways to Cope with Rejection2019-06-13T16:59:00+00:00