Monthly Archives: October 2019

The ‘SIFT’ Method for Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence


One of the best things that you can do for your children's mental health is to help them develop their self-awareness and emotional intelligence (EQ)—and incorporating Dr. Daniel Siegel's SIFT method into your parenting is one way to do this. Emotional Intelligence Can Be Developed Emotional intelligence is said to be just as important as intellectual [...]

The ‘SIFT’ Method for Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence2019-11-19T15:47:12+00:00

Is Domestic Discipline Loving Correction or Domestic Violence?


The domestic discipline (DD) movement encourages wife-spanking as discipline and is condoned and supported by some religions and religious leaders. But it's been argued that giving husbands this type of authority in a marriage can lead to spousal abuse and can destroy the self-esteem of the person being spanked. Here's a look at whether the [...]

Is Domestic Discipline Loving Correction or Domestic Violence?2019-11-19T15:47:25+00:00

11 Ways to Make Mondays Less Dreadful


You’d think we’d have come to terms with Monday by now. Technically, it’s no different than any other weekday—it has the same number of hours, the same responsibilities and demands, interactions with many of the same people, the same opportunities to excel and shine. Even so, there’s just something about the first day of the [...]

11 Ways to Make Mondays Less Dreadful2019-10-08T15:12:02+00:00

The Power of Stepping Aside: 8 Ways to Take a Time-Out


These days, we’re busier than ever. Between demanding work schedules, household tasks, family obligations and social commitments, it’s easy for "stressed" and "overwhelmed" to become our default setting. When your ever-growing task list and ever-shrinking window of time have you feeling like you’re bailing water from a sinking boat, your first impulse might be to [...]

The Power of Stepping Aside: 8 Ways to Take a Time-Out2019-10-08T14:51:57+00:00