Monthly Archives: January 2020

How to Gracefully Handle a Pushy Co-Worker


If you have a job that requires interaction with other people, chances are you’ve crossed paths with a pushy co-worker at some point. Sometimes it’s blatant, as in someone foisting extra work on you because they don’t feel like doing it themselves. In other cases, it might be subtler and harder to spot, as was [...]

How to Gracefully Handle a Pushy Co-Worker2020-01-10T17:04:08+00:00

Is It Anxiety or Are You Having a Panic Attack?


If you haven’t uttered these words yourself, chances are you’ve heard someone else say them: "I think I’m having a panic attack." It’s a common phrase that gets tossed around, usually when describing stressful, high-anxiety situations. But in many cases, it’s not entirely accurate. "Most of us know what anxiety feels like, but for some, [...]

Is It Anxiety or Are You Having a Panic Attack?2020-01-13T18:54:51+00:00

8 Ways to Lead a More Purposeful Life


You wake up, go about your daily routine, get your work done, pay your bills. Perhaps you find time to exercise, cook for your family, do some cleaning. You whittle away at your seemingly never-ending to-do list until, suddenly, it’s time to go to sleep so you can wake up and do it all over [...]

8 Ways to Lead a More Purposeful Life2020-01-13T19:14:45+00:00